Member Recruitment

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The Sales Funnel module is used to track opportunities through sales stages, provide them with proposals that contain acceptance details.

Types of Opportunities may include:

  • New membership prospects
  • Upgrade opportunities with existing contacts
  • Volunteers or prospective board members you’d like to work with

Sales may be tracked and reported on based on source, sales category, sales person, and so on.

Sales Funnel Initial Setup

Sales Sources


Sales Stages


Creating a Sales Opportunity

  1. Click Sales Funnel in the Navigation Panel.
  2. Click the Add Button.
  3. On the Add/Edit Sales Opportunity screen, configure the following:
    • Organization - Enter the name of the organization. If the organization already exist as a contact, the associated information will be populate. If this organization does not currently exist, it will be added to your contacts.
    • Source - To track how/where your opportunities are generated from, select a source from the drop-down list. The list will display sources that you have previously set up, and you may add a new source by clicking the + button.
    • Sales Person - Select a sales person from the drop-down list. Your current staff members will automatically be populated in the list.
    • Sales Category - Select a sales category from the drop-down list. The list will display sales categories that you have previously used, and you may add a new sales category by clicking the + button.
    • One-Time Revenue - Enter the expected one time revenue (dollar) for this sales opportunity. You will be able to monitor expected one time revenue on the Sales Funnel Report.
    • Recurring Revenue - Enter the expected recurring revenue (dollar) for this sales opportunity. You will be able to monitor expected recurring revenue on the Sales Funnel Report.
    • Estimated Close Date - Enter the date that you expect to close this sale.
    • Probability - Enter the probability that you will close this sale.
    Stage - Select the current stage of the sale. You may define various stages (i.e. cold, warm, hot) as part of the initial setup.
    • Status - Enter the current status of the sale. The status list will display the statuses currently configured in your database.
    • Won/Lost Date - Leave this field blank. You will update this when the opportunity is either won or lost.
  4. Click Done to save the new opportunity.

Creating Sales Proposals

The sales proposal is a key step in your sales process. For example, For a new membership opportunity you may create a proposal for each membership type they could select. When you create a sales proposal in the database, you are also creating an on-line sign up page. You prospect will be able to view and accept the proposal directly from the on-line page. Setting up a proposal is a two step process.

Step One

  1. Select Sales Funnel in the Navigation Panel.
  2. Click the contact for which you wish to create a proposal(s).
  3. Click the Proposals tab.
  4. Click the Add button.
  5. On the Add/Edit Sales Proposal screen, configure the following:
    • Name - Name this proposal.
    • Valid Until - Enter the date when the offer in your proposal will expire. Once the proposal expires, the prospect would still be able to view the proposal on-line, but would no longer be able to accept. NOTE: - you would be able to come in and change this date, if needed, to re-activate the form.
    • Sales Proposal Template - Select a template. Prior to setting up a proposal, you will create proposal templates in Setup. The list will be populated with any sales proposals you have used previously.
    • Terms/Conditions - Select the terms and conditions that they will need to agree to to accept this sales proposal. The list will be populated with previously configured terms and conditions. Additional terms and conditions may be created under Setup.
    • Message Template - The message template would include the information that you want to display on the sign-up page. You can create a standard message template on the Setup page; or you can enter text into the Message On Sign Up Page.
  6. Click Done to save the new proposal.

Step Two

After saving your new proposal, you will need to associate any necessary fees to the proposal.

Step Two